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Lunch & Learn: MIOSHA

Lunch & Learn: MIOSHA

Wednesday, October 8, 2025 (11:00 AM - 1:00 PM) (EDT)


The Chamber Lunch & Learn series presented by Southwestern Michigan College is a free event for Greater Niles Chamber Members where we discuss the hot topics facing talent managers. Each month we hear from different industry professionals and experience the diverse catering options in the Niles region. This month we have an extended two-hour session with MIOSHA to discuss how to create a culture of safety at our workplaces.  Based on the feedback received at our February lunch with MIOSHA, there was great interest in having a more thorough discussion of improving safety culture.  This two-hour session is primary meant for those safety managers in our manufacturing businesses.

Following OSHA/MIOSHA standards are only part of the process of keeping employees safe. We will discuss the factors that affect culture and how it impacts safety performance. Management Leadership/Commitment and Employee Involvement are the most critical components of having an effective Safety and Health Management System (SHMS). We will use data, examples, and case studies to illustrate best practices and assist participants in improving their company’s safety culture.

Martin's will be providing the catering with boxed lunches.

Southwestern Michigan College
33890 US-12
Niles, MI 49120 United States
Room 134
Event Contact
Ryan Boeskool
(269) 683-1833
Send Email
Wednesday, October 8, 2025 (11:00 AM - 1:00 PM) (EDT)
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